National Magic Day


The most important magic day in the history of prestidigitators is on October 31, which aside from being a part of the “All Hallow’s Eve” fun, is the date of Houdini’s death, also known as National Magic Day.


Houdini Day


This was made a reality in 1938 when a member of the Chicago Assembly of the Society of American Magicians sought out Mrs. Houdini who at the time was living in my neighborhood in Manhattan, NY. Mrs. Houdini sanctioned the October 31 observance and it became “Houdini Day” which is of course the name of this website.


Communicating with Spirits


Houdini Day is the day that sadly, Harry went to the great beyond and we of the Society of American Magicians are suspending our disbelief as we try every Halloween through a séance to communicate with the spirit of this great escape artist and conjurer.


The Next National Magic Week


Also, Magic Week is celebrated during the week that Houdini passed away. For example, as of this writing, National Magic Week will next be celebrated starting on Sunday, October 25th, 2020 and running through to Saturday October 31, the date of H.H.’s death.


Helping Others


Houdini Day and National Magic Week is a time period that magician’s give back by the community through performing for sick children in hospitals who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to attend a magic show. Hence, the magic show is brought to them. Happy National Magic Week!