Apparently Houdini was not a very nice fellow. There are stories of him competing and name calling he used to somehow further his fame. And it worked for him. His name lives on all over the world. But let’s take a look at what it must have been like to have had to deal with him. I am honored to be a member of the first chapter of an international organization, for which he was president for several years. I know I’ve gone into this before, but it is a great paradigm for living with criticism, meaning those who had to interact with him at meetings.

I’ve been a member of the same chapter for only three years, but during that time everything was copesetic. There have been fights for power to become president that I  was in the loop for. A resolution was achieved for the moment but the feelings live on. I imagine that our dear Harry must have just snapped being president because that was the only position that made sense to him in the early 1900’s. Our president today is a wonderful person who works hard and is inclusive.

There has been today a post on the very new Home Business Achievers in the eLearning department. It looks at Nike’s “Just do it” and does a touch up job making the fresh phrase: “Do it anyway.” Personally I’ve had a problem living “Just do it anyway.” I have initially followed the mantra “Just do it anyway,” and have done thinks like publishing an eBook on magic and initially having great results in the number sold as well as in the first two days becoming the number 1 status in marketing.