METHOD HOW to Get a Free Strategy DIY to Becoming a Professional Magician
And the countdown begins. Well actually, it began October 1, 2022. Depending on when you read this blog post on the “Houdini Day” website, a project being worked on at the METHOD HOW may have been completed. As of working on this page, METHOD HOW is currently developing an as of yet unnamed undertaking, that is relevant because we do know that it is on the topic of learning a METHOD HOW to become a professional magician.
Businesses in Need
Our further understanding as of today, is that the MH site is focused on helping businesses in need with weekly strategies free of cost to get their businesses back on track,. And our guess is this could include magicians also because they are entrepreneurs too.
Houdini’s Genius Self Promotion and the METHOD HOW Project
Here are three of the approximately thirty headlines that will be featured in the new METHOD HOW project that depending on when you are reading this may have been completed. We know that all three of the headlines were inspired by the sensationalistic style Houdini had in his promotions.
The Key to Unlock the Door to Becoming a Professional Magician
The #1 Tip for Successfully Working from Home Remotely Once Becoming a Professional Magician
The Hard Truth About Becoming a Professional Magician and How to Face it
If you want to become a mentalist or magician as your career and profession, the Strategy DIY currently being put together might be of interest to you.
What about Harry?
Do you know what the last day of this month is called? If you guessed All Hallows’ Eve you would be correct, but we are looking for a different day. Hmm. What is the name of this website? That’s it! You got it!
Let’s Speak with Houdini!
The sad aspect of October 31, is that it is when Harry Houdini (Erik Weisz) left this Mortal coil. But Houdini Day is also a time that a tradition of magicians all over the world is done which is to do a séance to communicate with the spirit of Houdini.
New York is the Place to Be on Houdini Day!
Houdini Day is a National Magic Day celebrated globally. And here in New York City, which is the location of where Houdini had been the president of The Society of American Magicians. That same Parent Assembly of S.A.M. still exists today which some of the individuals who put together this website, are members of.
A Tradition
And they of course they will be crossing their fingers when, on the 31st, they participate in one of several spirit seeking events here in NYC alone where Houdini lived. Plus, there will be events held all around the globe. This tradition, held annually starting in 1926 after his death, continues on.
Still Trying
It has been many years of attempting to communicate beyond the grave with Houdini, but no one or group has been successful.
If it is Going to Happen Here is Where it Will
But maybe this year will be different when members of the Society of American Magicians work toward mystically reaching out to their formal president in his hometown, Manhattan, the Big Apple?!
Also, there is now this site where you are reading these words. HoudiniDay.com is the official website of Houdini Day! Surely this is the alignment of stars which will mean finally having the success of hearing from the world’s most famous escape artist and magician?! We’ll keep you posted!