Houdini Could Probably Give Us Some Tips on “How”

Houdini embraced technology. Which makes sense since he wanted access to whatever was necessary to make his performances and publicity better. As we have explored elsewhere, it would be interesting to see what Houdini would do with digital marketing. There was no question he was a master marketer, so how would he use, say, social […]

The Marketing of Magic and Community

Houdini’s Impact There is no doubt that Harry Houdini is the best-known magician in the world, even many years after his death in 1926. How did he become so well known? What was his promotion secret? The Secret of Marketing How did Houdini become an international escape artist and magician? He was a superb, world […]

Houdini Would Not Understand

Apparently Houdini was not a very nice fellow. There are stories of him competing and name calling he used to somehow further his fame. And it worked for him. His name lives on all over the world. But let’s take a look at what it must have been like to have had to deal with […]